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Reviewer ID*:
University Hospital, Southampton NHS, NHS Fundation Trust Participant Information Sheet: adults with capacity who regain capacity Pragmatic controlled trial evaluating a molecular Point-of-Care `test-and-treat` strategy influenza in adults hospitalised acute respiratory illness: FluPOC Investigator: Dr Tristan Clark
If you have a swab reveals that you have virus, we may approach again to ask if would give us permission take further nasal swabs, (if you are coughing sputum) and another blood test ( half a tablespoon full) additional ethically approved research.
The symptoms and clinical that you display are with an `acute respiratory ` and so we would to test you for wide variety of respiratory (including influenza), which might caused your illness, using rapid point-of-care test.
If you lose the to consent and the team wish to take more samples from you, we would have to written permission from someone to you, and you have to agree that could use them once recovered.